Now the website is back and running, how fitting to have our beloved Princess Diana as our first picture! Look closely, who can you see in the background......

You got it!!! Our very own Orlando Bloom aka Justin Goff aged 9, the dirty little ballbag.....
I hate all of you.
Especially Mark Stewart.
Can I sue him for that?
I don't remember Goffy being that tall, has he shrunk as he's got older ?
Never mind the background, that blond with the quiff wearing the orange 80's number in the foreground ......... is that Ian West ?
Tracy Bethly
Barking, London (Not Essex)
good to see asbo boy working as hard as ever someone should tell him the lady he is looking for is wearing orange and has blonde hair.
and i dont mean one of the tangoed scrubbers you normally hang around with
posted by kb xx
looks to me that the spotty teenager is bunking off again , ill have words later !
ken goff
Bottom left hand corner.
School girl in hat.
Anthony Jones.
Girl in the close up of Goff jnr....is that Jodie Foster..show's how old goffy really is.
Since Mark Stewart spoiled it....this is not fun anymore....
imboredofcelebs said...
Girl in the close up of Goff jnr....is that Jodie Foster..show's how old goffy really is.
And why is Goffy using her as a monopod.
justin is a really good photographer and hes really good looking.
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More importantly HAVE FUN and don't be an arsehole!!!
if justin is a good photographer im a fucking chinaman.
tim rooke
If Gary Lee is only paid £25K a year then im a fucking chinaman.
Kar Wai Tang
Well the re-born Photo Monkeys is as slow to update as Gareth Gay sending a picture.
is this still online!
is this still online!
is this still online!
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