'What the hell is going on here, I still can't get it sharp or well exposed...!? I thought these Canon cameras where idiot proof.....I'm having another bad day, too many already.....I'll have to give up this job and be a security guard like that little short guy Gary Coleman.....'
"What were the office on about? Take an upright? What the fuck is that? Wot yo talking about office?"
im not saying he nicked it but.........
The fucker in the office said I could get Richard and Judy on this........... I wonder if the DVD's work in it?
The useless bastards in the ITV studios could put the lights on, all I can see are silhouettes or pasty white Westy's, at least I know my exposures are good.
so where does the film go..?
This is Richard, I think you lot are being a bit unfair. The office keep telling me that my pictures are priceless, sometimes even fuckin' priceless. I know that you are only takin' the piss and that you all love me really, even you Westy.
ps. What the fuck is an exposure? An upright? A flash? A camera? etc. I know alll about wheel hubs though.
Is this what the brothers in Brixton are shooting each other with ?
Not telling you who I am but know for a fact that Westy ain't pasty white.I've been to Dubai and sunbathed in my garden and I have colour.Ok not as much as that bloke wondering where his film goes but I'm tanned and everything.Ha gonna put this under anonymous so no one knows who I am.
PS Seen his pictures and I pulled the same face as him when I saw em.Getty paid £200 million for him? Pretty sure the papers pay about 20 quid and get the same shit.Still not telling you who I am though.
How much do the papers pay PA each year for YOUR shit?
You're all a bunch of wankers, leave Richard alone he's a decent bloke.
Don't know how much the papers pay for my shit,but apparently its in the millions. They particulay like the entertainment stuff WHICH IS WHY THEY USE LOADS MORE OF MINE THAN ANYONE ELSE'S. Still not telling you who I am though.Love Ian
I keep telling you it's the Yellow Advertiser effect. It comes through the door for free and you flick through it, but you wouldn't go out and buy it!
ps. I've seen some of the shit that your collegues get used....... you can't deny me that one!
pps. I'm knot teling yo hoo i am eethere
Westy we all know they only use your pictures because they are FREE....its like they are going to be giving them away in Rice Crispies soon
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