I was there not by choice, I was there to work..... My pap instinct kicked in when I spotted a familiar face in the crowd at a NOLANS Concert, no it wasn't Floella Benjamin or Jimmy Krankie or anyone of the like, well similar.....it was Phil Loftus!!!
Once upon a time there where three little girls, who went to the Rex Academy.....and they were assigned very hazardous duties.....but I took them away from all that and now they work for me.....and my name is John Melhuish.....
Quote paraphrased from Steve McCurry
(National Geographic photographer and hero of mine): "My biggest fear is that one day they'll realise that I don't really know what I'm doing!"
Quote from my Mum: 'Professional' just means you get paid for doing something - it doesn't necessarilly mean you're any good." (Thanks Mum!)
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